Sunday, May 26, 2024

Babeh in ETS2 Megamod Vol 3

Selamat pagi semuanya, di hari minggu pagi ini, kita kedatangan mod baru, tidak tanggung-tanggung langsung meluncur 11 jenis kendaraan berbagai jenis yang dipack dalam satu file dengan ukuran download sekitar 600an MB. Mod ini belum pernah saya coba ya, jadi belum bisa berkomentar mengenai impresinya, yang pengen mencoba silahkan dicoba sendiri saja, tinggal didownload2, status mod ini free. Mod ini termasuk jajaran mod yang anti birokrasi yang ribet mengenai pereditannya, karena filenya tidak di lock, bisa langsung kita buka memakai winrar, sangat ramah bagi yang pengen belajar file-file di dalamnya. Karena pengalaman saya pernah mengajukan edit salah satu mod free3 untuk diperbaiki/ngefix juga, namun sampai sekarang tidak ada jawaban kepastiannya ha ha. OK Back to the laptop. Selebihnya silahkan baca-baca saja tulisan di bawah ini.

Copasan sharenya1
Ananda Andika is with Febrijal Hadinata and 12 others
Babeh in ETS2 Megamod Vol 3
ETS2 1.45 - Terbaru
1. Neoplan
2. Banteng
3. Vanhool
4. Virago
5. Ragasa ELF
6. Luxio
7. Zebra
8. Starlet
9. Colt t120
10. Bayawak
11. Celcius 350
Note: Tested 1.50, dibawah versi 1.45 jika ada kendala/bug, update versi ets kalian, jangan meminta saya buat fixing diluar versi rekomendasi!!! atau fixing secara mandiri.

Copasan readme di dalam game
[blue]GMM Banteng

[normal]GMM Banteng car mod found at Mercedes Benz Dealer.

[green]Physics Addon
[normal]For better handling characteristics, subscribe to the Physics Addon. Place above main mod in mod manager. Available at [orange][normal].

[green]Changes, fixes and improvements
[normal]- Realistic engine properties, torque curves, transmission ratios and weights.
- Engines from Superb generations B6 (marked with B6 in engine selection) and B8.
- Working automatic gearbox: 6-speed DSG with improved shifting behaviour.
- Police, accessory lights, LEDs and sirens. Hold airhorn key to sound the siren.
- Caravan trailer since 1.32, ownable caravan trailer since 1.33.
- Openable windows since 1.38, sounds specific to trucks removed from the car since 1.39.

[green]FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
[normal]Q: Where can I buy this car?
A: You can buy it at any non-modded in-game truck dealer.

Q: The car won't go faster than ~40 km/h?
A: If you use automatic shifting and have the manual 6-speed gearbox equipped, automatic shifting will not work. Change to the 6-speed DSG at the dealer/service shop.

Q: I can't drive faster than 90 km/h?
A: You have the truck speed limiter enabled in game settings. Disable it.

Q: How do I turn on the police siren?
A: Hold down the assigned airhorn button on your keyboard/controller. The siren does not work like an on-off switch, it works like a standard truck airhorn.

Q: My car runs out of fuel too fast?
A: Looks like you have the 66-litre fuel tank chassis equipped (marked with 66 L in-game). Turn on realistic fuel consumption in game settings or change to the 360-litre fuel tank chassis.

[normal]Original base mod files by [red]TruckersMP
[normal]Updates, modifications and improvements by [red]Robi

link download tersedia di bawah2, jika tidak bisa diakses, silahkan hubungi authornya langsung


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