Thursday, January 5, 2017

Penemuan astronom Frank Steiner - universitas Ulm menyebutkan Bentuk alam semesta seperti terompet

Kabul Indrawan
12 November 2012 ·
Penemuan astronom Frank Steiner - universitas Ulm menyebutkan Bentuk alam semesta seperti terompet. Al Qur'an dan Hadis sudah menyatakan hal ini sejak 1500 tahun lalu

“Dan pada hari ketika terompet di tiup, maka terkejutlah semua yang di langit dan semua yang di bumi kecuali mereka yang di kehendaki Allah. Dan mereka semua datang menghadapNya dengan merendahkan diri.” (Q.S. An Naml : 87)

“Ketika Allah telah selesai menjadikan langit dan bumi, Allah menjadikan sangkakala (terompet) dan diserahkan kepada malaikat Isrofil, kemudian ia letakkan dimulutnya sambil melihat ke Arsy menantikan bilakah ia diperintah. Bagaikan tanduk dari cahaya, sangat besar, demi Allah yang mengutusku besar bulatannya itu seluas langit dan bumi, dan akan ditiup hingga tiga kali. Pertama : Nafkhatul faza’ (untuk menakutkan). Kedua : Nafkhatus sa’aq (untuk mematikan). Ketiga: Nafkhatul ba’ats (untuk menghidupkan kembali atau membangkitkan).” (H.R. Abu Hurairah)

Cosmic horn with plenty of rivals

The universe - all that ever was, is or will be - could literally be a horn of plenty, according to German cosmologists. The cosmos could be stretched out like a long trumpet, infinitely long and narrow at one end, finite but flaring out like a horn at the end that humans can see now.

This is the shape of creation, known as a Picard topology, that makes most sense to Professor Frank Steiner, a theoretical physicist at the University of Ulm in Germany.

According to New Scientist today, a funnel-shaped universe best explains the pattern of cosmic background radiation observed when the universe was only about 380,000 years old.

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This picture of early radiation, made by Nasa's Wilkinson microwave anistropy probe last year, has already helped answer some key questions about the history of time, space and everything. It helped pin the moment of creation to around 13.7 bn years ago. It helped confirm the proportions of the universe as 4% matter, 23% dark or undetectable matter and 73% something mysterious called quintessence, vacuum energy or dark energy. And it has raised once again the vexing question of the shape of the universe.

Even before cosmologists knew about the Big Bang, they had started worrying about the shape of spacetime. Did it stretch on forever, or was there a boundary? Einstein played with the idea of a negatively curved or saddle-shaped universe. Others wondered if it might be toroidal or doughnut shaped, so that it would seem to go on forever.

Last year, a New York team speculated that the universe might really be quite small, but shaped like an endlessly repeating set of dodecahedrons or soccer balls, so that a journey of 60bn light years in one direction would bring a traveller back to Earth, like a circumnavigation of the globe. Light travels in a straight line through space, but if space was crumpled or folded back on itself, galaxies might be quite close.

Prof Steiner's universal horn is another possible answer to the great spacetime riddle. A spacecraft could go on forever - but if it reached the flared end of the horn, it would start travelling back in on the opposite side. This shape is not the onlyrecent suggestion: a few months ago, a Pennsylvania team proposed a universe that looked like a squashed sphere.

"I made the comment that it is as though God carefully made the universe and then dropped it," says Paul Davies, a cosmologist now based at Macquarie University in Australia. "Until now, most serious cosmological models have assumed simple geometries and topologies: spatially flat and infinite, saddle-shaped and infinite or spherical and finite.

"But that hasn't stopped theorists exploring the properties of all sorts of weirdo shapes. Anyway, the universe can have a shape and still be infinite."

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